Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Rx95 John Deere wont start just clicks, google search, cylanoid
QuestionMy RX95 just clicks at what I assume is a relay or voltage regulator. I can cross the starter and get it to crank to start. I only found 2 safty switches and they both work. I put a brand new battery in and test hot at the cylanoid on the starter. Please help no one knows anything!!
AnswerSounds like you looked at most everything..except the starter key switch. Test your power output at the solenoid in the "start" position.
Do this by attaching a voltage meter to the solenoid and the turning the starter switch to the start position. Does your voltage increase-passthrough the solenoid? Do you know how to bench test a solenoid? (if not do a google search)