QuestionQUESTION: I removed the gas tank and attached lower end throttle assembly and upon replacing it may have damaged/stretched the governor spring--anyway, the engine only idles now. It looks like the governor arm does not catch on the spring like it should. Perhaps I did not put the spring back in place correctly. The engine will rev if I hand manipulate the governor arm. Hope this makes sense.
gov pic
ANSWER: The linkages are easy to mix up, I am guessing on your engine's setup
without having the engine's model numbers.
Here I snapped a pic out of the manual for you to compare.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Model 130292
Type 3016 01
Code 87090227
Briggs & Stratton HP
2573 (5/87)
My gov spring has one end extended 1 inch somewhat like a paperclip; it is not broken & not bent. My gov linkage flat piece also has a T-like construction where I think the long end of the gov spring goes. The T seems to float freely up and down inside the "paperclip" almost the whole thing does not react to increases in lever action from the throttle. The governor wheel on top side of the carburator want to stay in the extreme position (cutting off the tiller); I have the screw turned tight; should I loosen it some? Thank you very much.
AnswerNot sure what you are calling the gov wheel, but the working parts need to move freely for the gov to work. Those pieces usually ride on a bolt with a shoulder, so they won't clamp tight, is it possible
you might have swapped bolts with something else?
Go to Milaca Lawn and Garden's website, they have an online parts
lookup you can use to look at the blowup of the carb, go there and
give me the reference or part number of this wheel.