Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): McCollouc Beaver, starter rope, return spring

The starter rope broke I replaced it. now the return spring will only return thr string once then I have to take it apart and then ti will only pull once and not return what am I doing wrong

It sounds like the spring is not holding on the pulley like it should
but without seeing it it is hard to say, so the lobes on the pulley may be damaged, or the spring is distorted, and needs replaced.

McCulloch has gone in and out of business so many times in the last 20 years, making getting the correct replacement almost impossible.

The best suggestion is to try and reshape the spring so it will hold the pulley cogs, and look for a replacement online

Sorry to not be more helpful, but McCulloch has been a problem to
work on since the early 90's..