Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Homelite trimmer, Lawn mower parts briggs & Stratton model number discountonlineparts lawnmower parts
Question I have had this trimmer for aprox 6 years and it has been shutting down as I was using it. I cleaned the carb, and I have noticed that it seems to be not firing. Also when I press the fuel bubble to prime the motor, it does not return to shape very fast. I just wanted to try and fix it before replacing it.Thanks for your time and suggestions. Reguard
AnswerHi Randy, your fuel lines and primer are probably distorting due to extended fuel contact. I would replace them. However if there is no fire to plug, this is ignition related and should be diagnosed and fixed first. Depending on type of trimmer, it may not be cost effective to repair everything. You can find trimmer parts and lawn mower parts at
Lawn Mower Parts