Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 20 HP V-Twin Briggs and Stratten, hp briggs, little fish

I have a 20 HP Briggs that the exhaust valve guides keep slipping out to the point it binds the valve and bends the push rod. The mower is not that old and this has been a problem for a while according to the previous owner. I just purchased this and have inherited this as well.
Is there a in the field fix for this, I am a machinist of 35 years and have a good working knowledge of machine practices so I am open to anything that would fix this without removing the head. I have repaired car heads that had problems with the rocker arm studs moving out the same way and repaired it by cross drilling it with a 1/8 bit and installing a roll pin to hold it in place. Could this be a solution?

   In general, you would likely be a better judge of a fix for this,
as I would only attempt a repair like that on something that was mine,
I follow factory procedures normally to cover my butt.  The OHV's had a few bugs that I was tempted to experiment with, but never had the time.  If the guides work up, and could be pressed on out, machining a slot in them, and pressing them back in, and the slot being slightly below the flush line of the head, and the head aluminum could be peened, crude, but would likely hold.

I am just throwing a quick thought out there, peening wash the Briggs
repair for loose seats, and they saw a lot more heat than a guide would.

Hope this helps a little.
