B&S Carb
B&S 170402 1151. Not 100% sure of the engine type number, 1151. It doesn't show up very clearly.
My problem is a leaky carburetor. I think I have the leak pinpointed, but can't see how to correct it.
I've attached a photo of the carburetor. I think it's a Flo-Jet Two piece carburetor. Am I correct?
There are 3 arrows in the photo. At the right is a slightly
rectangular metal "tube" that is 7" tall. The black arrow points to where this slips onto the end of the carburetor tubing. If this is removed, the choke can be seen just inside the carb tubing. The rectangular 7" tube is only a slip fit over the end of the carb pipe. It seems this would allow gas leakage from arount the choke, although this doesn't seem to be so.
At the bottom of the 7" tube is a metal bar several inches long that bolts on under the carb. The red arrow points to this.
The green arrow points to another hole that looks to have what I guess would be called a nylon or plastic bushing with a small hole in the center. Is this a vent hole? I can see no other purpose for this small hole.
It seems most of the leakage may be through this small hole, but if it's a vent hole, why would it leak?
I've looked at a parts list of the engine, but cannot find an illustration showing this hole, or a carburetor with the 7" rectangular tube.
By the way, what is this tube for? There's no filter or anything inside.
The engine is off a snow blower which hasn't been starter in over a year. I couldn't get it started this year. When I removed the rectangular tube I was surprised to find about a teaspoon of sunflower seeds and other seeds at the bottom. I opened the choke and looked inside and there must have been another teaspon or two of seeds in there. That has all been cleaned out.
I put about a cup of gasoline in the tank and watched. Sure enough gasoline was leaking out that small "vent" hole. Also out the hole for the bolt that holds the rectangular tube on. The latter would be expected, because the bolt is removed, but why would it leak through the vent hole?
One last question. Is gasoline suppose to constantly go from the tank to the carburetor, even when the engine isn't running?
The rectangular tube has taken the place of the air filter cannister
as snowblowers don't use air filters, the leaking is not caused by the holes on the bottom, but by a leaky float or inlet needle. Attached is a pic out of the manual on how the carb is constructed, the carb bowl is around the "tube" where the air passes.
So you will need to disassemble the carb to repair it, and the long diagonal jet needs to be removed before the carb can come apart.