Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Echo CS-602VL Chainsaw, oil mixtures, fuel mixture

Hello, and thanks for taking time for my question.  I just purchased a used Echo CS-602VL chainsaw.  It runs great.  My question is I looked up the owners manual on the net, it states fuel mixture should be 1 part oil to 20 parts gas.  Usually on my other 2 cycles it is 40 or 50 to 1.  It also states to use 30 weight motor oil instead of 2 cycle oil.  Can you clarify or confirm this?  It scares me that the first fill up I make, may seize the engine.

If you use 2-cycle oil, the mix needs to be 20:1.  Older saws used richer oil mixtures.  Today's saws are using 50:1 but that is not enough oil for your older saw.

Back in the day, they did use SAE-30W oil as mix.  For your saw use 20:1 with today's 2 cycle mix.
