Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): JD165 charging problem, regulator rectifier, fellow kentuckian

QUESTION: Thought I'd pose this to a fellow Kentuckian! I've got a JD165
w/ the Kawasaki engine that has completely quit charging the
battery. I have a good meter & understand basically how it all
works. Can you tell me where to start, what the test values
should be at what points, etc? Maybe a wiring diagram? Thanks
very much.

ANSWER: You might find a wiring diagram here:

On most of the equipment that I have seen with a Kawasaki on it,
there are 2 different in line fuses, the Kawasaki one is likely your problem.  If not, then the voltage regulator is on the side of the engine, it has three wires, two come from the alternator, the third one goes to the system.
Unplug it, and set your mulltimeter to AC voltage, and touch it to the terminals coming from the alternator, it should read greater than 28 volts ac.
  Plug the regulator back in and test the voltage at the third wire
with the settings on dc, it should be greater than 13 volts dc.

Check these things out and let me know.
What part of KY are you in?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Fish, I very much appreciate your prompt reply. I'm in Somerset, actually about 5 miles north of it - little place
called Science Hill. ( if you do any fishing or boating, we're
on Lake Cumberland ) I should give you some better info: My
mower actually has what appears to be the voltage regulator
mounted on the firewall behind the engine ( says Shindengen SH573-12
regulator/rectifier on it ) Has a 5 wire modular plug. I figured out one is a ground & one seems to supply power to
the electric blade clutch switch. The other three....???? Mine also has a stator type charger rather than an actual
alternator - the pickup coil has continuity cold and hot,
but that's all I know how to test at this point. Does
that 28VAC output still apply here? The output wire from the stator pickup coil (white) seems to go back inside the
engine instead of directly to the regulator as I would have thought. Does not seem to go to anything on the side, so I reckon the Shindengen unit is my regulator?? Found only one in line fuse and it's good. Thank you, Sir!

  Looking at your engine, look at the pic of the engine electrical
and the pic of the stator/alternator.
Find the wires coming from the alt, and test as I described before.
Test them for ac voltage.
Looking at the other wiring diagram, it has a self resetting circuit
breaker that could be faulty, you might check that too. part ref 13.

As far as the regulator, that is it, the one with the 5 wires, you can follow the two coming from the alt to take them out of the loop.
One of the other three is the output.
Take a look at those two things, and I will scrounge around for some better schematic.

I eliminated those other two responses

