Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Kohler M20 oil seals, crankcase pressure, oil consumption

The oil seals in my Kohler M20 keep coming out. Are there any issues I need to address before replacing them again?

Many questions come to mind.  First, did this start happening after some engine work, or was there an event that happened before this
happened the first time?  Are there a lot of hours on this machine?
Was there a lot of oil consumption before this started happening.
I have heard of a lot of crankcase pressure blowing the dipstick
up out of its tube, but never blowing out seals.

When installing new seals, is it a tight fit?  Do you have to "drive" them in?

Kohler recommends driving the flywheel side seal in 1/32"
, and the pto side, 1/8" in, not flush.  Let me know, I am interested.
