Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Still cant find, engine 143, eager 1

I still can't get a match for this model 944364160   number but i have a number on the engine,143.943814 this also gives me nothing. It's a tecumseh on a craftsman mower 3.8 hp eager-1

ANSWER: Steph,

I don't know what your looking for?  I have attached a link to an illustrated parts list of your engine.  Go to this link.. then click on BROWSE SUB COMPONENTS.

I am sorry I cant help you more, but i just dont understand your question.   

Please send me a followup .

David R

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi David, the attachement is not on your respond. I am looking for a manual for this mower and for the engine,even with the numbers i have given you i can't get a reference this is why i need help locating these numbers.


I can get you the engine manual...  here is the link for it..!retrieve.pd;jsessionid=0Mlg

The other number you giving me does not come up, please check the number again it will start 944.  I think you have one to many numbers...  You can also enter that number on the site and it will give you all the information you need.

David R