QuestionQUESTION: P.K.,
I was given a Roketa 150cc go cart. The thing had not run in about a year. My first thought was the battery, so I replaced the battery (made sure it was fully charged), still nothing. So I started looking and found that the C.D.I. module may be bad so I replaced that and still nothing. I get nothing no lights, horn, turn signal at all. When I turn the key I get nothing. I can cross the wires on the relay and the starter turns but it won’t fire and run. I have heard that these carts sometimes have safety switches on them but I haven’t been able to locate one. Any help would be great. My next move is to take it to a shop ($$$). Thanks Joe
ANSWER: The Chinese electrics will drive you absolutely insane so don't feel bad.
9 times out of 10, it's the key switch or the on/off switch if it has one. That's where I'd start. I don't even bother trying to check them either because they are very bad about having intermittent faults. I just replace them.
We do warranty service for one of the importers of the Chinese machines and replace switches regularly. Surprisingly, the CDI's and coils seem to hold up pretty well and I use them and the carburetors on old Hondas.
If you can try a new key switch, and make sure you get the right one or it won't work, let me know and we'll go from there. Thanks, PK.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Thanks you’re a life saver…. I checked the key and it was on so I traced the wire going from the switch and found a bad connector. One of the leads was severely corroded so I spliced it straight through. Bam I have ignition. Turn signal works but still no horn or lights. I can’t seem to get it to fire though. I pulled my plug wire and had my wife turn the ignition key and I have spark. I seem to have good gas flow but no fire the engine just turn over and over. I’m going to buy a new plug tomorrow and keep my fingers crossed. Any other ideas you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
AnswerSee if it will hit on a shot of ether. If you have spark and compression, then all you need is a good fuel mix. Another problem we see a lot of is badly corroded carburetors. The metal doesn't seem to be as good as what you'd find in a Mikuni and they don't tolerate being mistreated. So if this has set up for awhile, that would be something to check. Especially if the engine will hit on ether.