Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): my tecumseh lawn mower, coil tecumseh
QuestionI have a tecumseh, murry 4.5 hp centura self propelled lawn mower, it run fine until it gets hot then it will die and will not start until I let it cool off,?? I am a little stumped i have checked through everything is there any way you could give me some good advice on this. thank you, johnne saleen from oroville california.
AnswerThe first thing to check is the spark. You need to have a clamp-on spark tester to do this. They're available at auto parts stores for $5-10. As soon as the engine dies, hook up your tester and check for spark. If there is none, then the coil is bad. This is not an uncommon problem.
Try this and let me know the results and we'll go from there. Thanks, PK.