QuestionI have a brand new poulan pro 18" chain saw, after using it for a short period of time the chain came off, it was reinstalled and adjusted, now the drive is locked, can you advise? thank you
AnswerA couple of quick thoughts. First, if your saw is equipped with a chain brake, it might be activated. Chain brakes usually lock a brake band around the drive sprocket hub, when a saw "kicks back", it
is a safety feature on most newer saws today.
To deactivate, you need to pull back the protective handguard back toward you until you hear and feel a strong click.
Another possibility, is that when the chain jumped off on you,
it damaged a few of the drive links, and they are now stuck in the bar, and to remedy, you need to remove the bar and chain, and dress
the damaged drive links with a file or grinder.
If your saw came with the "Intenz" quick adjust bar, and you cannot keep your chain tight, you can usually instally the standard
Poulan bar adjuster, and use that bar the regular way with much better results.
Check both of these possibilities, and if you have any further
questions, let me know the saw's model number.