QUESTION: Sorry for the new message. I ran out of follow-ups.
You asked if maybe the coil had been replaced with a Magnetron coil, thus the two wire to the condenser are cut.
Here's a photo of the coil and the flat terminal behind it. I hope the terminal shows up ok. It's a bit small. Can you tell from this if it's a regular coil or a Megnetron coil?
The switch wire terminal slips over the terminal shown in the photo. That's the only wire connected to the coil.
If it's a Magnetron coil, I wonder why the two wires to the condenser were cut and not removed. I suppose it would accomplish the same thing.
By the way, much of the insullation on the wire from the switch to the coil is missing. I don't know if a mouse did this, or if it was just getting old. Either way, would the bare wire touching the engine block keep it from starting?
ANSWER: Hi Jerry:
>>No Worries.
>>That Happens a Lot with me.
>>From the Picture, it Does Seem that Someone Replaced the Standard Coil Used with the Point Set for a Magnetron Ign Coil and Leave the Wires and Point Set in Place.
>>Yes a Bare Wire Touching a Ground will Prevent the Coil from Firing the Plug.
>>It is Standard Pratice to Cut the 2 Wires from the Point Set when Replacing the Point Set with a Solid State Magnetron.
Disconnect the Single Wire from the Coil and Check for Spark. If No Spark, then
>>Replace the Magnetron Ign Coil (Briggs Part # 398811).
>>Please, Do Not Hesitate, If you Hit a Snag, if I Missed Something or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
>>PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Comments and Ratings are Greatly Appreciated. Thanks.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I did a search for the part number you mentioned and found the coil that's on my engine. I've never heard of a Megnetron coil. Last week I almost bought new points and condenser.
With the Megnetron coil, is the only wire the one from the flat terminal to the switch bracket? Other than the plug wire that is.
Is there an advantage of a Megnetron coil of the old points/condenser type?
I also have a tiller with a B&S engine that begins with 130 and was wondering if it would be worth it to change that over to a Megnetron coil.
AnswerHi Jerry:
>>The Magnetron was Invented to Replace the Point Set and Eliminate the Problem of having the Point Set Contacts Corroding and have to be Replaced every Few Years.
>>The Magnetron Coil is like a Electronic Ign Coil used on Auto Engines.
>>My Preference is Always to Use a Magnetron Coil if the Engine is an Older Model with a Point Set and Eliminate the Point Set as was Done on this Engine.
>>The Model Series 130000 Engines All Use the Same Replacement Magnetron Coil According to Briggs Technical Department.
>>The Following is an Instruction File I Made to Replace the Ign Coil. **Using the Provided Site Addy, Locate the Breakdown for the Engine to Assist you in Doing this Repair if you Require it.**
>>Remove the Blower Housing (metal engine cover). Under this you will See the Ign Coil (has the Lead to the Plug Attached to it. Unplug and Unbolt the Ign Coil and Remove the Coil.
>>Use a Section of a Soft Drink Carton (example: a Mt Dew 24 pk Side Panel Cut to 3" x 6".
>>Turn the Flywheel so the Magnet is Facing the Ign Coil and Place the Cardboard Section Between the Ign Coil and the Magnet.
>>Let the Magnet Pull the Ign Coil to the Flywheel and then Tighten the Ign Coil Mounting Bolts.
>>Turn the Flywheel and Pull the Cardboard Panel at the Same Time and Remove the Panel from between the Flywheel and the Ign Coil. Connect the Wire/s to the Ign Coil.
>>Replace the Blower Housing and Any Other Hardware you Removed to Remove the Blower Housing.
>>Attach the Plug Lead to the Spark Plug.
>>Now Start the Engine.
>>Please, Do Not Hesitate, If you Hit a Snag, if I Missed Something or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
>>PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Comments and Ratings are Greatly Appreciated. Thanks.