QuestionI have basically the same problem as this guy but couldn't find your answer on it. Could you send me your recommendations as to repairing myself. Thanks
Hi John, I have a 4 yr old Toro 22" Recycler mower with an oil leak. It runs but I need to add oil each time I use it. I believe it started after I washed the deck when the motor was hot. The guy at the local shop says it is a bottom gasket and will cost 275.00 to repair. I can get a new mower for same price. Should I (1)attempt a homeowner repair and possibly get in over my head or (2)buy a new mower. The part costs $18.00 at this shop. (3) I can look around for a shop that can fix it at lower cost.
AnswerYes, that estimate is pretty high, ok, real high.
So it is visibly leaking oil. Can you give me the model numbers off
of the deck? so I know what engine you have. If you have even a fair
amount of tools, the repair could be easily done by yourself.
A base gasket should be $5 or so, maybe you should check another shop.
Let me know.