QuestionQUESTION: i have a john deere sabre 1742HS it runs ok on the level but it won't go up hills, i replaced the drive belt to no avail, there isn't anywhere to add oil it seems like it is a sealed unit, could this problem be the transaxel?
ANSWER: How old is the mower? How many hours has the mower been used?
Let me know.
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QUESTION: i bought it in 2001, and it has about 320 to 380 hours
ANSWER: That's about average for it's age. You are correct about your transmission, it is a sealed unit not intended to be serviced at most lawn equipment dealerships/shops. If you look closely at the transmission you will find a manufacture and a model number. If you can send me the transmission brand and model I can see if there are any service parts available.
Do you have the mower's owner's manual?
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QUESTION: i belive it is a tuff torq k51, and yes i do have the oweners manual
AnswerDoes the manual identify any adjustments on the pedel assembley or adjustments for the transmission connecting link?
I Googled your transmission and found this link:
Reading through the link you will find tips,tricks and other links for your transmission.
Let me know if the link helps.