Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 917.255830 wire diagram, craftsman ignition
QuestionI have no spark, reeplaced 5 pole ignition switch, solonoid, and it cranks just fine, no spark though.
The two wires coming from the engine with one going to the switch seem correct. Can all this be bypassed or jumped to see if there is spark from Magnito? If I could locate a wire diagram it would sure help.
AnswerTo check the spark from the coil, unplug the black wire that plugs into the coil. If it fires with that unplugged then you either have a bad coil or that wire is going to ground. The wiring harness, with the exception of the kill wire, isn't connected to the ignition system. If it fires with the kill wire off the coil, follow that wire back. It will probably go to a connector on the speed control bracket and then to the key switch. Sometimes they will rub raw and short out. Thanks, PK.