Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): walbro carb, dropdown menus, return spring
Question i have a walbro carb LMH1a-3-74 i bought a rebuild kit for it and am in the process of installing it, when i disassemble it there was no float return spring so i am trying to figure out how to install it with keeping the float seat and pin all aligned? and which way it goes. tried finding a reference illustration but no luck.
AnswerIf you haven't removed the carb from the engine, I would do so. The spring slips onto the float. The needle has a clip that holds it to the float. It slips around the top of the needle in the recessed area and the other end of the clip slips over the needle tab of the float. The float pin holds everything in place.
For a diagram of the carb you can go to the following link.
Look under Walbro on the parts list and use the dropdown menus to get to your particular carburetor.