QuestionJohn: I am on the road to success with my revitalized snoblower--a Craftsman 8HP with a Tecumseh motor model HM80 155229H. I rebuilt the carb in accordance with your instruction and used Gunk to clean it, installed a new carb kit, replaced the needle and seat (checked it by a pressure test), set the float, installed a new rubber seal between the float bowl and the carb, etc. The machine now runs very well but the carb is leaking. Very hard to tell where, but possibly out of the barrel of the carb itself (ie it is leaking up high on the carb not through the needle valve on the float bowl. Outside of the float bowl gasket,the need valves, where else could it be leaking from? Thanks
AnswerHello Bob:
>>From your Description it Sounds like the Carburetor Float Needle Valve is Not Seating Correctly and the Bowl is Flooding and the Gas is Coming Out of the Bowl Vent.
>>Check the Rubber Needle Seat and make Sure it is Installed Correctly and Pushed All the Way to the Bottom of the Inlet Port.
>>The Rubber Needle Seat is Squared (Flat) on One Side and Beveled (Rounded on the Other Side.
>>The Rounded Side is the Side that the Needle Valve Seats Against.
>>Did the Needle Seat go in Tight and have to be Pushed in with a Small Flat Punch or Back End of a Drill Bit? If No, then that is where the Reason for the Leak.
>>The Seat should have to be Pushed in with a Flat (Blunt) Punch or a Blunt (Flat Tipped) Rod in Order for it to Seal Properly in the Inlet Port.
>>Does the Float have a Hole in it?
>>If this is a Tillotson Carburetor (most Tecumseh Engine use these) then,
>>You can View a Breakdown of the Carburetor at this Site Addy and Download the Flash Player. Then Enter the Site. Now Select Tech Info. Now Select Service Manuals from the Drop Down List Under the Tech Info Tab. Your Carburetor should be in the HU or the HS Series Manual.
>>Please, Do Not Hesitate, If you Hit a Snag, if I Missed Something or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
>>PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Comments and Ratings are Greatly Appreciated. Thanks.