QuestionQUESTION: Hello John,
I have a 120 Mini z that runs on a Honda 4hp motor. my sone was racing this weekend and for some reason the sled would just not climb the hills. the engine mas maxed out @ 5600 RPM when I had it on the jack stand and it was doing the usual 15 miles an hour for some reason the rpm's go down and it will not even make it up the hill? is this an engine problem? what is the compression I should have in this engine. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
ANSWER: Hello Dan:
>>Send me the Model and Type or Spec Numbers Off the Engine, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manual and Better Assist you.
>>From your Description, it May be an Engine Problem.
>>Is the Unit Running Correctly Over Flat Ground All the Time and just Loosing Power when you Climb a Grade or Hill?
>>PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Comments and Ratings are Greatly Appreciated. Thanks.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hello John, got it, thank you. yes it runs fine on flat ground and just looses the poewr on a incline and the RPM's just go right down.
thank you for the info, I will have all of yours leter tonight.
ANSWER: Hello Again Dan:
>>If the Carburetor has Mixture Screws, then Try Setting them. If Setting them has No Effect on the Operation of the Engine, then Soak and Clean the Carburetor.
>>The Engine Model Numbers would Greatly Asist me in Assisting you.
>>The Following is an Instruction File I made for Correcting this Problem. Any Input is Appreciated.
>>****All the Carburetor Adjustments are the Same for Lawn Mower and Trimmers. There are Several Location for the Air Mixture Screws. The Idle Air Mixture Screws are Usually Located at the Top of the Carburetor Bowl and the Top of the Carburetor Body. If the Main Air and Idle Air Mixture Screws are Side by Side on the Side of the Carburetor, then the Idle Air is the Nearest to the Engine. The Main Jet Air Mixture Screw is Located in the Bottom of the Carburetor Bowl or Beside the Idle Air Screw on the Side of the Carburetor Body.
>>Some of the Older Model Carburetors have the Main Jet Mixture Screw Straight in from the Top of the Carburetor Body (this is Rare anymore).
>>If you have Cleaned the Carburetor (Disassembled and Soaked Overnight in Carburetor Cleaner (I Use Gunk). Then Blow Out the Passages with Compressed Air and Install a New Kit if Required.
>>Now Setting the Air Mixture Screws: ****Turn the Idle Air and Main Air Mixture Screws In Until SNUG **Do Not Jam** Then Reverse Both Screws 1 1/2 Turns. Holding the Throttle Full Open, Start the Engine. Turn the Main Air Mixture Screw Clockwise Until Proper Revs are Obtained. Occasionally you May have to Turn this Counter Clockwise to Achieve the Proper Revs. Now Allow the Engine to Idle. Set the Engine Idle Screw (Not Idle Air) so the Engine will Stay Running if Required. Now Set the Idle Air Mixture Screw so there is No Hesitation when Throttling from Idle to Full Throttle. Reset the Engine Idle if Required.**** If This Carburetor has a Single Air Adjustment. Use the Section Above that Pertains to Full Throttle RPM Air Mixture Screw and then Adjust the Screw if Required to Eliminate Any Hesitation when Throttling from Idle to Full Throttle.**
>>Please, Do Not Hesitate, If you Hit a Snag, if I Missed Something or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
>>PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Comments and Ratings are Greatly Appreciated. Thanks.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Good Morning Again John,
Thank you for all the detail on your last follow up answer. I got the specs you needed, they are as follows.
Honda 120 Axial Fan Cooled
Cylinders 1
Displacement 118.00 CC/7.2 in 3
Bore 60mm /2.4 in
Stroke 42.00 mm /1.7 in
Carburation Horizontal type, butterfly valve
I would really like to hear what you have to say about this issue John, I really want to make it up to my son he was so embarrassed last weekend at the race, I want to get this sled up and running and have him place next time.
AnswerHi Dan:
>>Does the Fuel Tank have a Foam Insert in it to Prevent the Gas from Flowing Away from the Fuel Pickup or is the Tank Separate and Above the Carburetor?
>>Are you a Member of Any of the Mini Z Clubs?
>>My Step Son is Just Starting to Race the Mini Z I Purchased for him and I have Found a Club that has Helped him (and I) a Lot.
The Club A Site Addy is; .
>>If the Carburetor has Mixture Screws, then Open the High Mixture Screw 1/4 Turn Counter Clockwise and Test the Z on a Hill. My Step Sons Z would Not Pull the Hills here in WV and his Z has Mixture Screws on the Carburetor. Adjusting the High Mixture Screw Allows More Fuel when a Load is Placed on the Engine.
>>I have Contacted a Friend that Races these on a Regular Basis and am Waiting to Hear from him about this Problem. I am Curious to See if this is a Common Problem with Climbing Hills.
>>If I haven't been in Touch with you in 48 Hours, Please Contact me Again.
>>Sometimes I have Problems Locating Past Questions and cannot Follow Up as I Planned.