Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): MTD Mud Bug, google images search, mud bugs
First I start out by say happy new year!! I ask you a question on November 18 of 2007 about an MTD Mudbug, which now thanks to you is running again. It was a 7H.P. tecumseh engine which we totally overhauled by replacing the gaskets, a different carb.(other one was clogged up and could not be cleaned thoroughly), carburetor repair kit, a new muffler and exhaust system, complete new points set, reground valves, and many other things that i can't think of right now. Once we got it running(after some starter fluid and sore shoulders and backs) we had to purchase a new comet 20 series clutch and a belt. You should see this thing drive. If interested in pictures you can go to the google images search engine and type in "mud bug". It is a flake orange color. Well anyway you wanted to hear about how it went and so there it was. currently we are making a new seat that will be one of a kind. It will be black with white letters that are small that say "1972 MTD" then larger letters it will say "MUD BUG" which will look like the sticker on the front of it. In the future, probably this summer, we are going to tear it down and repainting the frame and the engine with high temp. paint. then repaint the front forks chrome. I hope you take a look at those pictures and get back to me with your thoughts. by the way i have learned that the "MTD Mudbug" a rare three wheeler and that only a few thousand were made so i think that you can guess that i am very excited. That it for now and thanks once again.
AnswerHi Again Luke:
>>Thanks Greatly for the Update. It Sounds like you have a Collectors Item on your Hands. I Did some Research a Couple of Years ago on the Mud Bug and was Surprised to Learn of the Small Number of these that were Manufactured. It's Like the Old 1966 1/2 Ford Mustang, there were Only a Limited Number of Mud Bugs (approx 2100) Manufactured. I am So Glad to Hear that you are having Little to No Problems with this Unit and Hope it gives you Great Service. I am going to Look for you Bug at Google Now. Thanks Again for Using All Experts.
>>Be Safe and Happy. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours.
Till Next Time. May All Your Mechanical Problems be SMALL ONES and May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy.
Best Wishes and Good Luck