Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman Blower, exhaust port, carbon deposits
QuestionI have a Craftsman blower model 358.797550. It has worked fine until last week when I noticed the muffler was making a rattle type sound. It would not restart so I found out the muffler bolts had worked themselves totally loose. I reattached the muffler and still nothing. I have since replaced the plug and nothing still. When I took out the air cleaner and tried it, it fired once for a few secs. I have since cleaned and replaced the air filter. It tried to start but died out after a few seconds again. If I move the throttle area it also makes the spark plug move. Could it be that the head needs tightening too? If so, how to I remove the plastic case? Also, Could running it for a hour or so with the muffler loose or not connected leave a build up of carbon and other garbage? Should I remove the muffler again and give everything a good spray of carb cleaner or can that do more harm than good. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!!!
AnswerHello Tim:
From your Description it Sounds like the Exhaust Port and Possibly the Muffler are Restricting the Engine. Did you Check the Exhaust Port and Muffler? If Either of these are Restricted with Carbon Deposits, then the Engine Either will Not Run or May Run at Idle but will Flood when you Try to Rev the Engine above Idle. The Following is a Basic Instruction File for Doing a Diagnostic on the Engine for this Problem. Any Input is Appreciated. **Remove the Muffler and Make Sure the Exhaust Port is Clear. If it is, then Try to Start the engine with the Muffler Off. If it Starts and Runs Properly, then Clean the Spark Arrestor Screen in the Muffler or Replace the Muffler if Required. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. I Hope you Had a Happy Holiday Season and May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy. Thanks.
Good Luck
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