Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Tecumseh Carburetor Flooding, trouble shooting guide, tecumseh engine
I have rebuilt the carburetor on my 3.5 hp Tecumseh and found an interesting (and frustrating) problem. After priming and starting the engine the carburetor starts to flood and the engine dies. What I found out is that the flooding starts after I prime the carburetor (which is a remote primer with a hose to the carb on this application) and when I remove the primer hose connection at the carburetor the flooding stops. I disconnected the hose, pushed the primer bulb several times and then reconnected it which seems to have helped. Have you ever seen this before and why is it happening?
Thanks for your time!
AnswerHello Todd:
Sometimes if the Primer Tube is Old and Weak, it will Collapse and Still Draw Gas through the Primer/Choke Port of the Carburetor. If the Hose is New, then Check the Carburetor Bowl Vent and Make Sure it is Venting the Carburetor Bowl Properly. The Vent is Under the Welch Plug Inside the Carburetor Bowl. Usually you can Blow Air through the Small Hole at the Welch Plug and Clear the Vent. By Disconnecting the Primer Hose, you are Allowing the Carburetor Bowl to Vent through the Primer Port and Not the Actual Bowl Vent. Usually if you Soak the Carburetor Overnight in Cleaner, the Vent is Cleaned and this Problem Does Not Occur. Since this is a Tecumseh Engine, I have a PDF Site Addy that May Assist you Also. . This Site Addy; has a Link to a PDF Trouble-Shooting Guide. Simple Select the Free PDF Download for the Tecumseh Trouble-Shooting Guide. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Have a Happy Holiday Season and May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy. Thanks.
Good Luck
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