Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Homelite 26cc backpack blower, screw head, air mixture

I recently bought a factory reconditioned Homelite 26cc Gas Powered MightyLite Backpack Blower. I was able to get it started just fine. Ran it on half choke for 10 seconds with the throttle in the locked open position. Then I moved the choke to the run position and tried to give it full gas and the machine sounds like it is going to stall out, but doensn't. It just sputters and is definitely not blowing near its capactity.

I was told to adjust the screw marked "H" on the carburator (turn to the left slowly) to fix the problem.   I have examined the screw marked 'H' and it appears as though I may need a special tool to turn it.  Is that true and if so, where do I get the tool.  Homelite Customer service paid about as much attention to me as my wife does when I talk to her about her spending habits.

Hello Tim:

It Sounds like you Married my Wifes Sister, LOL. The Carburetor Air Mixture Tool Usually has to be Ordered from the Carburetor OEM (Walbro, Nikki, ect). Homelite would Not have this Tool. Are you Sure you are Looking at the Screw Head and Not a Plastic Limiter Cap? Some Units have Plastic Limiter Caps Installed at the OEM that Allows the Consumer to make Only Minor Adjustments to the Mixture Screws. These Caps are Broken Off and Replaced at the Repair Center whenever Adjustments or Carburetor Cleaning is Performed. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Have a Happy Holiday Season and May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy. Thanks.

Good Luck



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