Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): lawnmower will not start, briggs and stratton, tiny size
QuestionI have a craftsman 6.25 briggs and stratton lawn mower that i have had a little over a year. I have had no past problems with it, and used it last about a month ago. I put some fresh gas in it today and primed it (4 times -requires 3). it turned on and immediately (1 second)turned back off. i primed it a couple of more times and once again it turned on and immediately turned off. it continues to got through this stage only turning on after priming and turning off. Please help!!
AnswerChances are if the carburetor is getting a good fuel supply from the tank it's in need of a carburetor cleaning, or rebuild. Even though it's not that old, at any time can dirt, or debris work it's way from the fuel tank to the carburetor. It has such small fuel openings it takes a tiny size object to cause a problem. The primer fuel circuit is a separate circuit, supplying a squirt of fuel to just get it started, then the main jet circuit takes over and draws fuel from the bowl of the carburetor. In your case it seems something is blocked in the main circuit...........Tom