QuestionJoshua (JH) here.
Eric Jones (EJ) was nice to help me, but he's maxed out ATM.
Last message from him contained:
EJ> Have you checked the online parts diagram on the Briggs site?
JH> Yep, nice parts manual, but doesn't tell me much about the complex carby.
EJ>It is possible the check ball is causing the problem.
JH> OK, but which one is that?? Is it the ball under the red rubber seal (under the primer bulb) ?
If so, how do I remove it without damaging the red rubber?
EJ> Did you get the primer bulb to seal when you installed it?
JH> I assume to. I pressed the plastic ring around it and onto it all the way. Is there a way to tell if it has sealed?
EJ>Did you blow the screen off with compressed air?
JH> I don't have a compressor, so I only have solvents, toothbrush and own my blowing power.
Which screen, anyway ? The cylindrical one looks clean, and the flat one does too.
PS: I have a new gasket & diaphragm set, but I don't want to open it, use it and find the problem is still there. Which I think is possible. I may be able to get it refunded if it isn't needed.
I can take some photos, and you can tell me which points I should inspect. How's that ?
Sorry if you've answered these questions 1000s of times!
PPS: What's the best way to remove the plastic ring, that holds the primer bulb in place ?
I used a flat blade screwdriver, and nearly got a heart attack, when the blade hit the primer bulb! Luckily, its rubber was resilient enough, and I didn't puncture it. It's brand new!
AnswerHello Joshua:
For the Plastic Caps that Hold the Primer Bulbs in Place, I had to McGuiver a Tool. I Contacted a Few of the Carburetor OEM's Trying to Locate a Tool and was Told to Use 2 Screw Drivers. Place 1 on Each Side of the Cap and Pry it Off. From your Description it Sounds like this is a Tank Mounted Carburetor. If Yes, then Remove the Blower Housing and Make Sure the Intake Tube is Tight where it Attaches to the Block. If you have Not Installed the Diaphragm, then Do So. The Diaphragm can Allow Air into the Primer and Not Gas if it is Bad. Send me the Model and Type or Spec Numbers Off the Engine, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manual and Better Assist you. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Have a Happy Holiday Season and May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy. Thanks.
Good Luck
PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Comments and Ratings are Greatly Appreciated. Thanks.