Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): flywheel magnets from a previous question, gorilla glue, bead blast
Questionin a previous question you answered someone about regluing magnets on a flywheel. I had a magnet come off because I think the pry bar I used to get off the flywheel contacted a magnet. Unfortunately this also took out other magnets. The question I have is I need a diagram of the magnets because each magnet has a north and a south. Unfortunately I mixed them all up. Also, if you beadblast the flywheel itself how do you know where to attatch the magnets? I would imagine the spacing is critical because the magneto also fires off of the magnets. Please help. If I could buy a used tecumseh 33255 flywheel I would. I need help on this one. Gene
AnswerHello Gene:
I Usually Do No Suggest Replacing the Magnets Once they come Loose. If you have the Old Space Marked, then Use a Scribe and Mark the Flywheel. Then Bead Blast the Flywheel. I have Discovered a Glue Called Gorilla Glue and have Used it Several Times Over the Past Few Months. It Seems to be the Best Glue I have Found for Gluing the Magnets Back Into Place. If you have Mixed Up the Magnets Direction, Location or Spacing, then you May have Trouble Replacing the Magnets onto the Flywheel Properly. You can Use the Site Addys at this Site Addy; to Search and Locate New/Used Parts for this Unit. Please, Do Not Hesitate, If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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