QuestionI have a John Deere RX75, 30 inch Deck riding mower with a 9 hp Kawasaki engine. It runs great and cuts beautifully! Only problem is after I have been running it for 5 minutes or more, and the engine has gotten hot - if I decide to shut the engine off and then try to restart it - it won't start. Won't even turn over or make any noise telling me that it is trying. If I wait 15 minutes or so, until it cools, it will start right back up. I could run it all day long until the gas runs out, but if I shut it down, I won't be able to start it until it cools again. This has got to be a simple fix. I am almost certain it is not the battery, spark plug, safety shut off swithces or anything to do with vapor lock - which other people have suggested. HELP!"
AnswerHello Timmy:
You Need to Check the Electrical System when this Happens. It can be the Starter, the Starter Solenoid, the Ign Switch, ect. I Suggest you Check the Starter and Starter Solenoid First and then we can Go Further in the Diagnoastics if Required. Operate the Unit Until you are Ready to Shut it Off and Start it Again. If the Same Problem Occurs, then Check the Starter and Solenoid. The Following is an Instruction File I Made for Checking/Testing the Starter and Solenoid. **(with the Spark Plug/s Removed) To Check the Solenoid and Starter, Once you are Sure the Battery is Fully Charged/New, then Use your Jumper Cable Set and Attach the Positive Lead Onto the Positive Post of the Battery (make sure the Battery is Fully Charged or is a New Battery). Now Firmly Touch the Large Post on the Starter. If the Starter Does Not Turn and you can turn the Engine by Hand, then the Starter is Bad. If the Starter Turns the Engine Properly, Then Check the Solenoid. Firmly Touch the Small Post at the Base of the Solenoid that has the Ign Wire Attached to it. If The Starter Does Not Turn and the Solenoid Clicks, Then the Solenoid is Bad.** If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Have a Happy Holiday Season and May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy. Thanks.
Good Luck
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