Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Homelite blower, yard blower, adjustment screw
QuestionI have 5 year old Homelite yard blower/Vac. I have followed your instructions from a previous answer on your website to correct poor running condition of unit with no luck.. My question is: I can only see one screw on the carb. for adjusting purposes and if there is an air filter on it I can't see or find it even with the plastic frame off. It will run for a short time and then starts to sputter as if starving for gas.
Answerwith only one adjustment screw you are adjusting the high speed circuit. There is usually an access hole in the plastic to get at the screw. If not adjust it 1/4 turn on the rich side. Just blubbering. It is better to run a little rich than lean. To lean will burn a hole in the top of the piston. Look for the access hole.