QuestionQUESTION: I have a Yardman mower model 12A-569Q701 with a 5.5 HP Honda engine model GCV 160. I had to mow a friends yard and started it up before leaving to make sure it would run. It started and ran fine. I loaded it and drove ten minutes, unloaded and then it would not start at all. I checked the plug and it was flooded. I changed the plug and checked for spark--getting a spark, a good spark. I let it sit a few days. I removed the plug, shot some starting fluid into the hole, put the plug in and still doesn't start. I noticed that the head cover is smashed in and wondered if this was keeping the valves from working properly? Other than that, I am at a loss as to why it will not fire? It has fuel, and spark. Do you think that the head cover has something to do with it? If not, what else could it be? Thank you.
ANSWER: I'm not sure of the severity of the dented valve cover, it could, and could not be a problem depends on how far it is dented in. My best guess, you tilted the engine rather than keeping it level during loading, or unloading, causing the cylinder to fill with fuel, oil, or both. You also might have saturated the air filter with oil doing such so that it will not allow in the air that needs to mix with the fuel so it can fire. Check or replace your air filter, change your oil that's more than likely now fuel contaminated, pull the spark plug then pull the rope a number of times to clear the engine cylinder of any oil, or overabundance of fuel. Put everything back together and try starting it.......Tom
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for the help Tom. The valve cover is dented pretty bad but doesn't appear to impede the valves, though it could I guess. The oil is fine and the cylinder is clean as I already pulled the rope several times while checking the plug for spark. I also had the air filter removed during all of this. I do get smoke sometimes when pulling (not a lot) and it has backfired out the carb a couple of times. My thinking is the valves are being impeded in some way, though I have never had this problem before. Any other ideas? Thanks again for the help.
Answerhave you changed the oil? Try starting it for a few minutes with the cover off, or take it off and try straightening it without damaging the mounting surface.......Please rate these answers I would appreciate it after trying to help........Tom
Don't bother me any further for help when you fail to listen......