Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): too much oil?, lt 2000, engie

I think I may have added too much oil to my engie. It is burning blue smoke. My husband thinks the gasket might be blown. Could I have added too much and blown the gasket? It also doesn't have great power when the smoke is blowing, but when it pauses for a minute, the power level is fine. Any suggestions on how to fix this? I have a Craftsman LT 2000 Lawn Tractor.

It sounds as though your carburetor overflowed into your oil.  this is caused by a small piece of debris being the carburetor and not allowing the needle that stops the gas flow to seat.  This would be repaired by cleaning the carburetor and putting a carburetor kit into it.  The carburetor would have to be removed and disassemble than you would clean every air and fuel passages with a wire like the ones from a twist tie.  And blowout the holes with compressed air or carburetor cleaner and install the carburetor kit purchased new mounting gaskets use them when you remount the carburetor choke and throttle the fuel line and away you go.  It would also be a good idea to change the oil.  If this is not it  please get back to us