Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): briggs carb identity, briggs and stratton, kart engines

I have a briggs motor: 130292 0613 02 82011407  BUT it may not be the correct cover.  Cover says 5hp, but engine doesn't match.  Engine is fine - starts and runs first pull if you pour gas in the carb.  This thing has a different Briggs Carb on it than the pictures in the manual.  It was made to have a throttle and choke on small levers, but has been modified to run on a home-made go cart.  I want to use it on the cart, but can't get the throttle set up properly  (was taken partially apart before I got it).  I wish I could identify which engine this things was made for so I could use the Briggs diagrams to make it work.  Looks like carb shown on page 4 of 130200 - 130229 book for type 2903 - 5510  (Briggs book 8994-4).  EXCEPT that what I have is lacking some of the long springs.  This Carb sits ON TOP of a tank.  I replaced the diaphram, and it pumps into the little sump, but doesn't seem to want to 'puff' any gas into the carb from there.  Soaked the casting (has brass button insert at the bottom) in Gunk carb cleaner overnight.  Probably still stopped up - and I can't figure the choke / throttle setting.  Engine, HOWEVER - runs like a top on what gas I pour into the top of the carb with the air filter off - choke off.  Where do you find carb model numbers?

you have to many numbers for any B&S model.  If this is a kart engine they have separate break downs for them.  Search Briggs and stratton go kart engines for parts.  If the original owner changed out tank and carb you could have problems finding exact replacement parts.  The fuel issue sounds like a fuel pick up tube is plugged.  If you can ID it the tubes are replaceable.  If the engine will start and run pouring fuel into it it is a diaphragm or fuel pick up tube.