Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): tecumseh no spark, finding a new job, key switch
Question20 h.p. TVT691 600811B approx.3 yrs. old started & ran approx. 15 secs. & died would not restart. Tried cranking spark plug against a good ground, no spark.Tecumseh repair tech.stated seperated white nylon connector & crank. If you have spark its in mower switches if no spark its in engine. no spark. Replaced coil packs with new and performed analog resistance check on old & new coil packs they tested same indicating the old coil packs were good. However here everyone could only tell me we check them by grounding them out on mower. Thus , telling me coils needed replaced. The key lock on flywheel intact & okay. Mechanic asked me to remove magneto & crank no spark. (in case magneto was going to ground)tried with green kill wire attached via spade connector to coil and not attached result same no spark. Help me Please! I have no job & can't afford to have it repaired. Everyone here at a lost for answer
AnswerI think in your particular ignition system is grounded and that's why you do not have spark. It is in a kill position or turned off and not being able to be turned back on. That being said I would suggest changing out to key switch or look on the wiring diagram to see if there is a kill switch/relay someplace that is being activated and taking current to ground instead of to the spark plugs. I hope this information helps. Good luck on finding a new job.