Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman Mower Leaking Oil, crankshaft seal, crankshaft straightener
QuestionJohn, Thinking back, I did strike a water vent top which stopped my mower and shortly afterwards I noticed the oil leakeage. Does this mean that I need a new crankshaft and would this be worth it as the machine is pretty old? I'm having difficulty even finding a crankshaft and seals. Thanks a bunch for your excellent help.
AnswerHello Again Bob:
You Must be the Same Bob that is Replacing the Oil Seal Each Year on the 11 HP Briggs. I Hope So Anyway. When it Come to the Age of Small Engines and Equipment; these are Just like Farm Equipment. They Just Run On and On. If the Unit the Engine is Mounted on is in Good Condition and you Feel the Cost of the Engine Repairs are Not too Much, then I Usually Suggest you Repair the Engine or Replace the Engine with a Short Block or a Complete Engine. You have to be the Judge of the Condition of the Equipment. If the Crankshaft is Bent like you Say and the Crankshaft Seal is Being Replaced Once a Year, then this Crankshaft can be Straightened. As Stated in the Instruction File I Sent you Earlier. I have Customers that Replace the Seal Each Year. I have Even Tried to have them Allow me to Straighten the Crankshaft, but they Tell me the Cost to Replace the Seal and have the Preventative Maintenance Performed is All they Require. Most Small Engine Service Centers have a Crankshaft Straightener for Just this Reason. Where are you Trying to Purchase the Parts for this Engine? Have you Tried Outdoor Distributors for Parts? Send me the Model and Type Numbers Off the Engine, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manuals and Better Assist you. I Hope this is the Information you were Looking for. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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