Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Lawn Mower Shuts Off, safety switches, loose connections
QuestionI have a 32" 8 HP Toro Riding Mower. When I engage it into gear it wants to shut off. It doesn't have the original seat on it therefore the safety swicth isn't plugged in. However, it will start and run it only cuts off when I put it in gear. PLEASE HELP !!!
AnswerIf you say the safety switch for the seat is plug in plugged into what if you don't have the original seat on the safety switch has to be in the circuit it can be bypassed for testing but I strongly recommend having an operational. There are other safety switches and it may be that one of those has failed or in need of adjustment. There should be a clutch brake switch that would be activated when you push the clutch brake in. Otherwise you could have loose connections at any of the switches or corrosion or bad ground. There could be a neutral switch on the transmission it will look like a small ball bearing that your shift slides over. This switch is in the system too and should be checked. I hope this information has helped, good luck