QuestionQUESTION: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I purchased 89 phazer, seemed like a good sled only 2200km. bought it in the summer so we only started it, never rode. this fall I started to check it and found it would not run over 2200rpm. Comp good @ 115 each side. pulled carbs many times, I think they are clean, floats set @ 11-12mm. Reeds look OK. cleaned entire fuel system. took pump apart all looks OK. checked all wiring all OK and am sure safety switches are OK. metered all coils according to manual, are OK. Decided to replace CDI.
After this it runs much beter, infact quite good until about 4500-5000rpm (with track lifted off ground) but that is it. Took drive belt off and tried engine alone, can only get about 6000rpm. I think it is starved for fuel??
the snow is coming and I am very frustrated. Anyone who might have some suggestions is very appreciated. I am @ about 2000ft the manual suggests 143 main jet I have 136???? Also another thing I am not sure about, on the intake of the carb's there are 3 small ports on the bottom. 1 is the pilot air, 1is the main air. what is the 3rd, if anything it seems to dead end?
again any help very appreciated
Hve you Checked the Exhaust Port of the Engine and Made Sure the Exhaust System is Not Restricted? If the Exhaust Port or Exhaust System is Restricted you will have the Problem you Described. For the Proper Carburetor Mixture Screw Settings; I Require the OEM (Walbro, Zama, ect) and the Model Numbers Off the Carburetor. With these I can Locate a Breakdown of the Carburetor and Better Assist you. Thanks.
PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Thanks.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
thx for the reply,I have made some head way, although still a bit stumped. I have checked exhaust, wiring, cleaned carbs (mukini b32-28)all many times. I was sure it was a fuel issue so I removed the airbox. I was going to run it and squirt gas in the carbs. to my surprize it ran well with the airbox removed.
100% positive the box is stock and not restricted in any way.
What might cause the motor to choke out with the box installed. 100% there are no cables or hoses effected by the box either. I think the engine won't suck air as it should?? have you ever seen this before? can this be a vacuum issue? reeds? compression 115-120 each
AnswerHello Again LFN:
If the Engine Runs Correctly with the Breather Box Removed, then you May have a Reed Problem. I have Seen this Problem Associated with Bad Rings, Bad Jug Gasket, Restricted Exhaust and the Reed/s Not Seating Properly. Are you Sure the Intake Tube is Not Leaking? If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Ratings and Comments are Greatly Appreciated. Thanks.