Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman string trimmer, exhaust port, string trimmer
QuestionThis trimmer is around 15 years old. I was running it this past weekend when the last of the line ran out. The engine speed picked way up - which is normal. After shutting the motor off and putting new line on the spool, it would not start. I tried to start it again the next day but it did not act like it even wanted to try. With the choke on full it feels like the engine is free wheeling excessively (no back pressure). Is this an easy fix or am I into the motor?
AnswerHello Steven:
Send me the Model Numbers Off the Unit, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manual and Better Assist you. Also, Remove the Muffler and Using a Strong Light; Look into the Exhaust Port and Inspect the Cylinder. Is the Piston and Cylinder Smooth like Glass? Is the Piston Moving when you Pull the Starter? Thanks.
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