Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Scag Turf Tiger, fuel caps, safety module
QuestionI have a Scag Turf Tiger, and it is getting power,but it won't start when I turn the key. What could i be?
AnswerDo you mean the engine will not turn over or the engine will turn over and not start.
If you have called .6 V in the battery and when you turn the key, nothing happens 1st Pl. to check would be the PTO switch in the seat switch. The next question to ask is does the solenoid click eternity if it does not 12 V is going to ground somewhere along the start circuit. The start circuit goes from the battery to the top solenoid terminal then through the solenoid out through the bottom terminal through all the safety switches back to the solenoid. The solenoid clicks then the 12 V goes from the other terminal on top of the solenoid to the starter and from starter to ground. If the engine does not turn over something is wrong in that circuit.
If the engine turns over and will not start there could be more than one issue it could be a fuel issue or and technician issue the first thing to check is spark when you crank the engine is there spark at the spark plug. If not the problem could be in a key switch coil or trigger ring. If you do has spark then it could be fuel related. First check the boltthat holds the carburetor bowl in place on the bottom. Are there to wires coming out of it? If so this is a backfire suppressor. This stops fuel flow as soon as you turn the key off if you're getting no fuel remove this mechanism and replace with a standard bowl not or bolt. Jump to connector went to.
If that's not it and you're still not getting fuel remove the carburetor and fuel filter replaced the fuel filter and install a carburetor kit. Attach using new gaskets attach throttle and choke and adjust properly. Clean fuel tanks and fuel caps ensure the vent is open.
There are other things that could cause this problem like proprietary safety module. At that point, I would suggest taking it to the dealer. I hope I have been of some help.