QuestionQUESTION: Hi
I have a scotts riding lawn mower model #s2046h.
All of a sudden when I try to start it I get nothing.
I had the battery checked & it is fine. I took a screw driver & touched both terminals of the solenoid (I believe thats what its called) & the motor turned over. Does this mean the solenoid is bad????? Also how do you get to the bolts that mount it????
ANSWER: Most likely a safety switch is causing the problem. Have you checked the fuse under the dash board?
Starting at the key switch, trace each wire by hand to each safety swith, clutch, blades/engagement, and seat.
Make sure each switch is working correctly and the wires insulation is in good condition. Often times a loose connector or switch is found.
Let me know what you find.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks Eric
yes I did check the fuse. I put a test light on the solenoid & had power going into it from the battery but had nothing on the output side even with the key turned to "start". I was going to take the cables off the solenoid to check for corrosion etc. and the output side nut would not come off. I actually broke the solenoid in two trying to get it off. So I have to get a new solenoid anyway.....maybe that will fix it. If not I will try your suggestion. Thanks
AnswerMore important than the output of the solenoid is the small exciter wire on the solenoid. When you turn the key to the start position the small wire should light the test light indicating that 12 volts is reaching the solenoid when the key is the start position.
If the solenoid is not receiving the voltage on the small exciter wire the circuit will not connect allow power to flow to the starter.
Safety switches are designed to prevent the exciter voltage if something is wrong in the circuit.
Let me know is a new solenoid solves the problem.