Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): carb for blower, exhaust ports, reed valves
Questionhow do I locate and get at the exhaust ports. Yhe primer bulb depresses (Changed it) and doesn't spring back with gas and remains depressed.I changed fuel filter also and carb gaskets. The fuel line that goes from the tank to the carb hooks up at the nozzle closest to the tank, is that correct. Thanks
AnswerThe exhaust ports on your engine are behind the muffler. Remove the muffler rotate the piston so it is in front of the ports and then clean the ports. You have the piston up so the carbon will not fall into the cylinder.
The primer does not push gas pushes. So usually there is a whole someplace in the primer allowing air to refill it. Depending upon the age and make of your engine there could be reed valves on the side of the cylinder. Older engines have been. Look for a small cover with rounded ends screwed into the side of the cylinder. If yours has this remove the cover replaced the valves and put a new gasket in it.
You still may have to remove the carburetor and disassemble it. Use the wire from a twist tie clean all air and fuel passages. Use carburetor cleaner or compressed air to clean the passages also. Purchase a carburetor kit and install all the pieces. Reassemble and put back on the engine.
Drain the fuel from the tank and back flush , where the fuel line attaches. Clean the fuel cap vent. Reattach fuel and primer lines and put a small amount of stabilize fuel mix in the tank. Start the unit and adjust the carburetor and then drain fuel from tank. There should not be snow for a couple months I hope. I hope this helped.