Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 01919 5kw genset, crank shaft, center shaft
QuestionThis is concerning a Troybilt 5500 watt genset. I am trying to remove the generator head from the engine. I have removed the center shaft bolt from inside the rotor to the crank shaft. Is this a press fit that can be removed with a slide hammer, or is there a puller tool to be used. And, if it is a special tool where can I get one?
Thanks, Chris
AnswerGenerator engines have a special crankshaft to accept the generator rotor. The crankshaft is tapered and the rotor is held in place like the flywheel is. If the unit has never been a part it will be difficult to get the rotor off. Pullers are available online if you do a Google search for generator set special tools.
if you go to this website you will find the manuals rebuilt is available for this generator. Otherwise I would suggest taking it to a dealer to have the rotor removed. You do not want to pry on the rotor or pound on the end of the crankshaft. Good luck on your project.