Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Troy Built 4 cycle repair, warranty repair, weed eater
QuestionI've got model TB525CS. Weed eater plus attachments. This thing just started cranking on full choke... but when I go to half choke, it flares and dies. Adjust the choke? I'll find my manual tomorrow. What else could it be? I've only had this one a few months. The tiller attachment is the best. I've had somegood results from the string, but am not impressed with the hard blade.
AnswerThe first thing I would do is take it in for warranty repair. If that is not possible the issue is in the fuel system. If an engine will only run on choke there is a restricted fuel passage. This will mean disassembling the carburetor nd cleaning all air and fuel passages with a wire from a twist tie. Install carb kit and install with new mounting gaskets.