Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): safety relay, briggs stratton engine, briggs stratton
QuestionI own a simplicity coronet rear engine mower with 12.5 hp Briggs & Stratton engine. Recently the safety relay switch caught on fire. I have a new one on order but was wanting to know if there was a problem that may have caused this part to catch fire. There were no problems before this happened and I was mowing the grass when mower quit. That is when I saw smoke coming out of relay. Do you know of anything that can be checked before I install new part. The m/n of the frame is 1692129 & s/n is 1578. Engine model is 289707, Type :0113 01 , Code 9209304d Thanks RKutis
AnswerFor the switch to catch fire there had to be lots of resistance in the area resistance in the electrical system causes heat and enough resistance will cause smoldering which will usually catch debris around it on fire. I suggest checking first the fuse to be sure there is not a problem there then next follow the wires to the switch your replacing at no place there should be a bearer wire or a loose connection. I hope this helps to resolve your problem