Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): toro lawn mower wont stay running, self propelled lawn mower, tecumseh engine
QuestionI have a toro self propelled lawn mower with a tecumseh engine 6.5 hp it has
good gas but it is like it isnt getting full I will start when it is primed then it will
stop after a couple of seconds, but if i prime it while it is running when it starts
to stall it will keep running. I cant hold the primer ball while cutting the yard
please help
AnswerThe fuel system needs to be cleaned. First remove the fuel cap and clean the vent So it is operating properly. Next check the screen in the bottom of the fuel tank to be sure it is not partially clogged. next remove the fuel line from carburetor and be sure you have good flow. next remove the air filter and carburetor and disassemble the carburetor clean all air and fuel passages with a wire from a twist tie. Blow out with compressed air. Purchase a carburetor kit and install it along with new gaskets and new air filter. Reassemble carburetor attached to engine install new air filte. This should take care of your problem I hope it helps good luck on your project