Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Murray 1998 Model 46569x71a, hydrostatic transaxle, trans model

Is there any sort of maintenance that can be done on the hydrostatic transaxle? I bought the mower recently second hand and want to try and make it last as long as possible.  I looked it over for drain plugs or any such fittings as you find on autos.  I have been an auto mechanic in the past and just assume there is maintenance to such an integral piece as a the transaxle.  Any insight is greatly appreciated.

No maintenance.  The lower priced hydros are sealed, "maintenance free" units.  I have heard of mechanics removing the transmission and turning them upside down to drain the fluid.

If you look closely on the trans you will find a manufacture and a model number.  You can google the hydro trans model number and can sometimes find service infor.

Have you looked at the trans for a model and manufacture?
Let me know.