Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Coleman 6875 Generator will not start, hp engine, fuel lines

I am trying to start my Coleman 6875 Generator (11 HP engine) after finding I
forgot to turn off the fuel last time I used it (about 2 years ago).  I sprayed carburetor cleaner in the carburetor and the engine will catch for just a
second until the cleaner burns off.  I have drained the gas and replaced it
with fresh before getting started.  I have checked the fuel lines and fuel is
getting to the carburetor reserve.  I cleaned out the reserve and the
carburetor.  It seems like I am not getting any back pressure to pull more fuel
into the carburetor.  Can you give me any more recommendations?

Will the engine continue to run you spray starting fluid in the carb?  If so, then the compression, vavles, timing and ignition should be alright.

This leaves the carb.  When you dis-assembled the carb, was there any dark colored fuel or sediments in the carburetor bowl?

Let me know.