QuestionQUESTION: I have a PS33 UT-10778 Homelite GAS Chainsaw. It starts easily and revs to speed ok. But as soon as I touch wood the chain will stop rotating. I have replaced both the clutch and sprocket housing with brand new Honelite parts. Same issue. What else could it be? There is no safety handle switch or any other cut off I can find or see in the manual. There is a slight delay from the time I go full throttle until the clutch engages but it does engage. But then the slightest use stops the chain from rotating. I do not mean the chain is just stuck in wood and there is not enough torque. Or that I am stressing the saw. I mean it just stops rotating all together when I first touch wood. Any idea? The chain tension is proper also.
ANSWER: Did you replace the engine clutch and clutch drum? Looking at the parts list, from the engine side, I see a large flat washer, clutch, clutch drum, smaller wahser and a clip.
Did you replace the clutch part number UP06727 or just the sprocket drum, part number UP06967?
Was the clutch reverse threaded? Is the chain properly install on the sprocket drum teeth?
Let me know.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Eric, Thanx for responding. To answer your question, yes I installed a new drum, sprocket, bearing needle and clip in addition to the clutch. And the clutch was left hand thread. The only thing that else I see in the parts diagram is item 20 and 21 called chain stop. It looks insignificant though.
AnswerThe clutch, being left hand threaded should be self-tightening but just in case check to make sure it is tight. If you still have problems, you may have received a bad clutch or sprocket drum. How much clearance is between the clutch and the sprcket drum?
If the chain is spinning with a load but stops with a load the clutch must be slipping. Is there any blueing color inside the sprocket drum indicating the clutch is slipping?