Questionhey i have a problem with my go-kart....whenever i start the go-kart it automatically start moving...but if i hit the brake/clutch it kills the engine...but i believe it's not supposed to do that it had never done it before...but i can hit the gas pedal after i start it and it will pick up speed but it never stops to a complete stop without killing the engine??
please help me out, thanks Matt
the reason it does this is because your cables are cross hooked throttle should be the only thing connected to your gas pedal also your engine requires a throw out bearingDrive bearings that as you give the engine gas bearings spin out engaging your drive system when you let off the bearings disengage thus killing the torque output.
2) Your Go Kart Requires the clutch to be connected to a to another Pulley when you let off the clutch the pulley should engage the extra tensioner applying pressure to the pulley and the belt drive if applicable or chain assy.
3) All go-karts should have Band brake pads that wrap around the inner wheel rims to stop you totally this connects to your Clutch/Brake.
There is a company that you can get all the required parts from at a cheap price with quality.
they have a free catalog as well.