Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): PUSH MOWER model #: 205310X99A, mower deck, determinations
QuestionI have this push mower that the blade does not spin freely adn a lot of smoke is blowing. Has the motor gone bad? I would like a service manual so that I can fix it myself if it's worth it.
AnswerJuan this is a hard question to answer over the internet, I have no clue what type mower it is, what condition the mower deck is in. Even what make the mower is. For me to know if it's worth fixing isn't a easy question, nor do I have enough information on it's condition to make a fair assumption. I don't want to mislead you either way. There are many places to get a manual online but to send you there I need to know who makes the mower. It's almost the same as me telling you my watch stopped working is it worth fixing? Before we make those determinations in the shop we run it through a number of tests and evaluations, but with it in sight. So please understand, I don't want to mislead you in any way. Tell me the manufacturer, and I'll give you the link to either purchase a manual, or sometimes your able to view them online.........Tom