Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): john deere blade clutch?, john deere dealer, electric clutch

I have a 5 year old gt-245 john deere. Initially the blade clutch would drop out after a short time, but now it happens almost at once, and the only way to keep them engaged is to hold the switch in the "reverse" position. The local dealer told me the clutch was touchy about voltage, but my battery voltage was above what he said should work. He also mentioned a "module"??? There is a circuit board under the dash, is that it? All the wiring and safety switches seem fine. I can usually fix most anything, but this has me stumped.

If the PTO.  It's topping out at first think check is the seat switch.  From there, check if there is a delay module.  This module allows for a bumpy ground so this seat switch works properly.

There is a safety module on your unit it is a proprietary to John Deeree.  This part can be tested by a John Deere dealer, but the replacement module, what have to come from them.

There are two tests, you can do on an electric clutch.  First applied 12 V, directly to the clutch it should click into place.  Second, do a resistance check on the clutch with an ohm meter.  The resistance should be 0.03 ohms.  I hope this helps.  Good luck